Showing 1–12 of 13 results

Grumbacher Cobalt Drier 2.5oz Online Sale

Original price was: $22.40.Current price is: $11.20.
Grumbacher Cobalt Drier 2.5oz A recommended additive to accelerate drying time. Add small amounts to mediums.

Grumbacher Copal Painting Medium 2.5oz Online now

Original price was: $16.25.Current price is: $8.12.
Grumbacher Copal Painting Medium 2.5oz A resinous painting medium that speeds drying, increases gloss and improves flow.

Grumbacher Linseed Oil 8oz Online

Original price was: $23.75.Current price is: $11.88.
Grumbacher Linseed Oil 8oz An oil painting medium, made of purified and refined linseed oil, that improves flow and increases

Grumbacher Miskit Liquid Frisket 1.2oz Supply

Original price was: $18.30.Current price is: $9.15.
Grumbacher Miskit Liquid Frisket 1.2oz Mask areas of a painting from an overall wash with this lightly tinted liquid frisket.

Grumbacher Oil Painting Medium II 2.5oz Discount

Original price was: $21.15.Current price is: $10.57.
Grumbacher Oil Painting Medium II 2.5ozThis oil painting medium is ideal for use when one wishes to slow drying time

Grumbacher Oil Painting Medium2.5 oz. Hot on Sale

Original price was: $16.85.Current price is: $8.43.
Grumbacher Oil Painting Medium2.5 oz. This oil painting medium improves color flow and provides a matte finish.

Grumbacher Oil Painting Restorer 2oz on Sale

Original price was: $18.65.Current price is: $9.32.
Grumbacher Oil Painting Restorer 2oz Professional restorer’s compound for refreshing old oil paintings after cleaning

Grumbacher Pale Drying Oil 2.5oz on Sale

Original price was: $14.45.Current price is: $7.22.
Grumbacher Pale Drying Oil 2.5oz Accelerates drying of oil colors and increases flow.

Grumbacher Picture Spray Varnish Gloss 11oz on Sale

Original price was: $21.75.Current price is: $10.88.
Grumbacher Picture Spray Varnish Gloss 11oz Use as final varnish for oil or acrylic paintings. Available in gloss or matte

Grumbacher Poppyseed Oil 2.5oz on Sale

Original price was: $21.05.Current price is: $10.53.
Grumbacher Poppyseed Oil 2.5oz Slow-drying medium with excellent color retention when used with oils.

Grumbacher Wax Resist Sticks 2pk Fashion

Original price was: $5.00.Current price is: $2.50.
Grumbacher Wax Resist Sticks 2pk Grumbacher Wax Resist Sticks 2 Pack These crayons will create a clear wax barrier between

Grumbacher Workable Fixative Spray 11.75oz Discount

Original price was: $19.45.Current price is: $9.72.
Grumbacher Workable Fixative Spray 11.75ozA matte workable fixative and surface preparation for works on paper, acetate, foil and glass. It